My own corner of the Internet

My own corner of the internet

tisdag 7 september 2010

Shayla Black and the Doomsday Brethren series

If you, like I, have read through the BDB books and still want some more brothers, I´ve found the Doomsday Brethren, wizards who fight the good fight. Shayla Black is awesome, each book is filled with strong men and even stronger women, lots of fluffy smut (which I love) and some UST. Can´t wait for the fourth book to be released in october!!
While waiting i devoured Dangerous boys and their toy, a m/f/m story, which i couldn´t stop reading, either.. *dang* it´s expensive with my reading habits *grin*

and some more =)

some saved icons

My new addiction is Vicki Petterson´s serie about Joanna Archer and her
quest in Las Vegas discovering and fighting the Shadows.
She´s the Archer but never knew before her 25 birthday that she was
destined for a greater cause. I´ve ordered more books in the series and
i´m anxiously waiting by my mailbox, cuz i want to know more, =)