My own corner of the Internet

My own corner of the internet

tisdag 7 september 2010

Shayla Black and the Doomsday Brethren series

If you, like I, have read through the BDB books and still want some more brothers, I´ve found the Doomsday Brethren, wizards who fight the good fight. Shayla Black is awesome, each book is filled with strong men and even stronger women, lots of fluffy smut (which I love) and some UST. Can´t wait for the fourth book to be released in october!!
While waiting i devoured Dangerous boys and their toy, a m/f/m story, which i couldn´t stop reading, either.. *dang* it´s expensive with my reading habits *grin*

and some more =)

some saved icons

My new addiction is Vicki Petterson´s serie about Joanna Archer and her
quest in Las Vegas discovering and fighting the Shadows.
She´s the Archer but never knew before her 25 birthday that she was
destined for a greater cause. I´ve ordered more books in the series and
i´m anxiously waiting by my mailbox, cuz i want to know more, =)

söndag 15 augusti 2010

Kuta the Cat´s favoritespot in the kitchen...

Kresley Cole ** Immortals after dark

Kresley Cole´s Immortals after Dark-serie is one I rec, it contains Lykae, Valkyrie, Demons, Vampires among others and she writes them so they all connect, what you read in one book can return in another but in someone elses POV. The women are strong and the men are fierce, and there´s a lot of fluffy smut, =) .
It´s not a brotherhood, but they´ll all know each other and need to trust before the big Accession, a war that breaks out every fivehundred years.

J R Wards Insiders guide

Since i´ve devoured the series about the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and it´s a looong time to next year =/ i had to read the insiders guide, it contains info on all of the brothers, a novella w Zsadist and Bella and tidbits that any fan finds useful LOL.
J R Ward interviews them all and in return she herself gets interviewed by the brothers.
A fair warning, though, if you´re thinking about starting to read (first one is Dark Lover) it´s highly addictive, and i havn´t found any cure, yet..